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Have you heard of the cayenne pepper and water diet program? Controversy has recently surrounded the so-known as cayenne pepper and water diet, primarily due to it is association with Beyonce Knowles who apparently lost 20 pounds for the duration of filming for the film "Dreamgirls" living only on cayenne pepper and water. The facts are not in dispute, the actress did apparently lose weight quickly over a brief period and there is no cause to dispute how this was achieved. my beyonce lemonade diet Even so the query that have to be asked is can this be referred to as a "diet program"? Some would say that what Beyonce Knowles did was merely starve herself of food, surviving solely on liquids. Certainly the cayenne pepper had no noticeable effects other than probably adding a tiny taste to the water? It should probably be noted that there are definitely recorded wellness positive aspects linked with cayenne pepper, like aiding digestion, strengthening of the heart, claims it contains mild pain relieving qualities, and there are even reports of employing cayenne as a dressing for wounds. article Even taking these reported benefits into account, can this cayenne pepper and water diet plan truly be named a diet plan? It must more appropriately be seen as a purely starvation workout undertaken by a committed actor wishing to shed weight quickly in pursuit of her art and profession, presumably with the security net afforded to extremely paid and closely monitored film stars. Presumably she will have been surrounded by assistants and helpers who would have been right away on hand had Beyonce suffered from any starvation effects or ill wellness. more information The danger in this story as with other fad diets is that impressionable folks, young girls in particular, will have heard about this seemingly miraculous cayenne pepper and water diet plan and will wish to attempt it themselves, with out any regard to the clear and substantial well being dangers inherent in starving oneself in such a way. In particular this type of dieting could be extremely damaging if sustained for any length of time, any form of fasting really should be carefully monitored for signs of deteriorating well being. It ought to also be stated that this story and the controversy it has created are not the fault of Beyonce Knowles, rather it is designed by media hype attempting to profit from the possibility other people might try and comply with her instance. In current times other actors have been necessary to shed weight rapidly for their future roles, for instance Christian Bale in the film The Machinist. The actor dropped his weight to a dangerously low level by reportedly consuming a single apple and a tin of tuna every day, but this did not turn into the "apple and tuna" fad diet plan, almost certainly due to the fact Christian Bale does not have the identical widespread fashionable image as Beyonce. So in conclusion is this truly a Diet plan? I would suggest not, with the hype surrounding it presently it could be categorized as a fad, and potentially a harmful 1. The only protected way to permanently shed weight is to consume healthful food, consume in moderation, and crucially undertake typical exercising. If you do this you will burn excess fat, your arteries will remain clear and healthier and you won't threat damaging your body by starving it of the food it needs to stay fit and wholesome.