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The war being waged for marijuana's legal acceptance in America has a new battleground nowadays. Mass media has decidedly been the tool of prohibitionist since the very earliest days of "The War On Drugs". Who can forget Nancy Reagan's unforgettable "Just Say No" campaign from the Reagan era. "This is the brain, this is your brain on drugs" saw the 1990's Clinton administration frying eggs for that desired effect of scaring children straight. In the 21st century, you are "Above the Influence" and encouraged to not follow the crowd. What message is mass media sending to the adults of 21st century, the generations these messages of the past were aimed at?

What do Time Magazine, The country Magazine, The Los Angeles Times, The brand new York Times and MSNBC all have in common? All these pillars of knowledge distribution have dedicated some time and space to the point of legal marijuana in California and other areas of the nation. The news pieces in question aren't in Nancy Reagan's tone of voice or perspective, however. The main difference in opinion is really as vast as you possibly can since mass media has determined that a legitimate argument can be created for the abolishment of marijuana prohibition and for legalization of cannabis.

The country Magazine's December 27th 2010 edition cover features the caption "D.A.R.E. to End the Fight against Drugs". While using logo of Substance abuse Resistance Education with discretion on the point, D.A.R.E. is self described as "giving kids the abilities they have to avoid involvement in drugs, gangs, and violence." The article "Altered State: California's Pot Economy" by Sasha Abramsky, analyzes the future of distribution and packaging of legal cannabis in California. The impact that's possible on tourism for the Golden State later on if recreational marijuana is legalized is discussed in addition to analyses on why Proposition 19 failed and what must happen for future referendums to pass.

Smoke Shop Herbal

The brand new York Times on November 13th 2010 published an article entitled "Backers of Legal Marijuana Find Silver Lining in Defeat of California Measure" that entered great detail on which the issues were that resulted in the defeat of Proposition 19 on November 2nd. A conflict of ideology amongst the generations and the lack of the predicted large come out of younger voters were the main issues attributed to the defeat from the proposition. Based on the NY Times, the main reasons Prop 19 did not pass were the measure was a "jumbled, legal nightmare" and questioned estimates from the potential tax revenue that legalization would bring in. The Times also acknowledged the Proposition did not prosper in Los Angeles (47%) or using the older voters, especially that of older Latinos, a heavy voting block in Los angeles.

The la Times, in an article published on December 16, 2010 and entitled "One Toke Within the Line", assumes Obama administration insurance policy for legal marijuana and in particular R. Gil Kerlikowske, the Obama administration's drug czar. Mr Kerlikowske, in reaction to an annual survery that determined that teen marijuana consumption is on the rise among eighth through 12th-graders, was quoted as saying "Mixed messages about drug legalization, particularly marijuana, could be to blame. Such messages certainly don't help parents who are attempting to prevent kids from using drugs."

The Los Angeles Times editorial went on to argue Kerlikowske's point by citing another survey by the Congressional Research Service whose April 2010 findings examined studies comparing teen pot smoking in states with and without medicinal marijuana laws. No connection between such laws and drug use was discovered. "Concerns that medical cannabis laws send the wrong message to vulnerable groups for example adolescents seem to be unfounded," it stated.

Time Magazine jumped into the fray with its November 22nd 2010 cover story entitled "The United States of Amerijuana" complete with a huge burning joint on the cover from the magazine and also the caption "Legalization has gone up in smoke, but 'medicinal pot' went mainstream". The ten page article, complete with pictures, covers issues such as culinary arts in cannabis and just how vernacular in the industry has changed from 'smoking pot' to 'medicate', 'dealers' are now 'caregivers' and also the buyers in need of assistance are "patients" and not "users". The content goes on to compare marijuana as a hot commodity in certain regions of the nation in the same vein as wine, chocolates and artisanal cheese.

Finally, even MSNBC, among the largest cable news outlets in the world, broadcast an hour or so long documentary on December 8, 2010 entitled "Marijuana USA". The information covered from a couple in Colorado who actively promote legal marijuana as their business to some company that labels, brands and distributes seeds for registered growers to plant as a natural herbal fix for what ails you. The documentary goes into detail how marijuana, in the usa where it is legal for medical use, is being regulated, licensed and taxed, as with every other legitimate product.

The prohibition of marijuana in the usa took a strong hold within the 1930's. Richard Nixon declared the War on Drugs in 1971 and Ronald Reagan reinforced those efforts within the 1980s. There were times when the only real public advocates for legal marijuana seemed to be comedians for example George Carlin or Cheech and Chong which hardly gave legitimacy towards the cause and weren't any match for the United States government's campaign against cannabis.