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Many blogs present the exact same boring layouts or cases for the layout. While the theme doesn't affect readers who enjoy your blog via FEED (unless they click right through to the blog), however it affects some other blog visitor who reads the blog from the web browser. The more special looking a blog design is, the easier it's to build brand recognition and an excellent name that gets you into viral marketing. If your blog seems like lots of other websites, your own blog won't keep out from the audience and you'll lose out on guests. Previously I've been using free Wordpress themes myself. Minor modifications were applied by me, nonetheless it never really separated my website from others enough to be really special.

The issue with therefore many blogs is to discover what is their main specialty. What is the main subject a writer is writing about? Frequently there is no solution to tell what a blog is approximately - particularly if you enter a from an older posting through a search engine listing. The website may sooner or later have a small bit of text explaining the main topics a weblog, but aged articles don't show this usually. Or the blog owner doesn't even bother at all to tell what his primary intent for the blog is. By using a custom blog design this may easily be incorporated and helps you to make the blog look different from other people.

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With a custom header being an example it can help to have the look you're looking for. To start with if it is unique it makes my website stand out more. 2nd it will also help you to show what your blog is about and for that reason get people to come back. Make your Blog look special + make sure any visitors understand what your blog is all about. Simply because they find a (one) posting of their search term that is matched by your blog, it doesn't mean that your blog is really of interest to them. However you might be in a position to capture their attention by pointing out what your website is truly about. You may obtain a fresh audience that the) comes home to read more from your blog and b) eventually tells others about your good blog if their interest is caught by you.