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Several tips to sailing in Portugal and in other places

The wind pressure on the sail, combined with friction between the sail and the headstay makes it nearly impossible to evenly tension the whole luff without putting undue stress on the top of the sail and the winch. What you end up with is luff in the top of the sail being way too tight while the luff near the bottom of the sail is still to loose. The sail with this sort of luff tension is not pretty and it certainly is not fast. Also in light winds you can overtension the halyard until there are vertical wrinkles, then ease it.

On the new tack, you can sailing in portugal ease the halyard if necessary, to properly tension the luff. A small dinghy will be more responsive and easier to maneuver, and is also perfect for practicing test capsizes in. Have a leaking mast boot? Replace it with a waterproof and inexpensive repair. Wrap an ace bandage tightly around the bottom of the mast. Find that can of Dip Whip that you have been putting off using to whip the ends of all those frayed lines. Paint three coats of Dip Whip over the ace bandage.

The result is a flexible, waterproof repair that will last for seasons of use. Begin on a boat rigged with one sail Similar to the above, beginning on a boat that’s rigged with just one sail will make learning sailing basics easier and less complicated. Follow sailing basics for safety There are certain sailing basics for safe boating that should go without saying, no matter what your level of expertise.

sailing in portugal - Boating and sailing basics means always being prepared. Both novice and experienced sailors alike can benefit from a quick review of these beginner sailing in Portugal basics. Choose calm, uncrowded waters If you’re just starting to master sailing basics and learn how to sail, then one of the most important beginner sailing tips to remember is to practice in ideal conditions of light winds and low traffic. Choose a small boat to learn how to sail It’s easier to learn how to sail with fewer lines and sails.

Like I said, I sail small boats which can sail with only four inches of the boat in the water so we encounter some strange conditions in that respect. During our race we also found that the crew weight was not needed on the trapeze off the side of the boat but off the rear cross-beam due to the point of sail and heavy wind and sea conditions (a reach with twenty to twenty two knots of wind and four to six foot seas).

Heidi Trisch and Peter Androski, from Providence, RI took the Offshore Sailing School Live Aboard Cruising course in the British Virgin Islands. Many Offshore Sailing School graduates tell us they didn't realize how much the didn't know until they took our sailing course. If you've never sailed before the process is easy because you're starting from scratch. If you already sail a Learn to Sail or Cruising course with Offshore Sailing School will fill the gaps nicely.

sailing in portugal - Sailing is romantic, thrilling, inspiring, relaxing, rejuvenating and just plain fun. You can do it alone, with a friend or your whole family. But the key is to learn the right way the first time, and enjoy the satisfaction and confidence of a highly productive experience. Capsize on purpose. This may seem like one of the oddest beginner sailing tips we could suggest, but it’s better to practice how to handle a capsized sailboat within a controlled environment, as opposed to an uncontrolled one. We learn best from experience, and the valuable sailing basics you’ll pick up from going through a test-capsize in a small dinghy will serve you well in the event of a real-life one.

sailing in portugal - Practice makes perfect. Don’t try to teach yourself all the sailing basics. Invest in a good sailing course, research guides and books, and learn from friends with experience. The Forlini family are cruising the seven seas as you read this. You can read their story here. There is no substitute for getting out on the water – on a safe, comfortable sailboat with enough go-fast features to whet your appetite to learn. In Offshore Sailing School’s Learn to Sail course you will do just that, with your textbook sent in advance to study, and a dedicated expert instructor to guide you through the course when you arrive.

The least amount of load on the halyard in any given breeze is when the sail is luffing. So when you first raise the sail is the best time to tension the halyard to its maximum height which occurs when vertical wrinkles appear behind the headstay. The maximum load on the luff of the jib occurs when you are sailing close-hauled. In order to decrease this load to adjust the halyard it's best to ease the sheet, have the helmsperson head toward the wind, and then with the front of the sail luffing, tension the halyard. You can see more at if you want.