Traffic Spout – Boost Your Publicity, Get More Backlinks And More Traffic6868406

Kohteesta Geocaching Wiki Finland
Loikkaa: valikkoon, hakuun

Let me guess. You’re reading this probably because you want to sell more of your products online. Or maybe you’re just starting out with your first product and looking for an edge over everybody else?

I’m sure you understand that selling digital products online is a good way to earn a living. But it can sometimes be hard to get your products known and your voice heard over the online hubbub that seems to increase every day. To put it another way, you may have the best product in the world, but if you can’t get people to notice it, it will slowly sink in some quiet online backwater. One way to get attention to your product is to get affiliates to promote for you, and that’s great if you can get enough of them to do that, but the BEST way to make people more aware and pay attention is by word of mouth.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was enough interest in YOUR products and ideas that people started talking about them?

Part of the problem for many product owners is getting enough of their product out there and being used by people that enough of them will want to talk about it. It’s called "seeding your product". There are all sorts of methods used to seed a product in the marketplace, and if you have a mailing list then of course that’s going to help a lot. But sometimes, while people are interested enough in your product, they may not be able to afford it, even at a discounted pre-release price. These are people that are excited enough that they’d still like to own your…