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jeanette nyiramongi

Madam Jeannette Kagame started her recent diplomatic offensive in Uganda in style. She flew her husband’s 50 Million Dollar-Bombardier International Express presidential jet, with an entourage of a Cabinet Minister, her four young children, a group of safety specifics and headed for the Republic of Uganda. Her operate would prepare the visit for her husband who would soon comply with and become good friends with Uganda’s President like inside the great old days. Her accomplishments have been however an completely distinctive matter. What was her mission to Uganda? Her mission was an advance celebration for her man - Mr. Paul Kagame, the President with the Republic of Rwanda. Her assignment was to persuade Mr. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni , the President on the Republic of Uganda to get her husband who is keen to urgently start the procedure of reconciliation. The program was that Mr. Paul Kagame would quickly adhere to his wife’s diplomatic undertaking for softening the ground. The Rwandan dictator was ready to invest quite a few days in Uganda to mend fences with his former mentor turned arch rival and indeed enemy, as mutually acknowledged. Jeannette’s juvenile diplomacy collapses Jeannette Kagame’s mission not possible to Uganda was a total flop. President Museveni wouldn't even obtain her let alone agree towards the Kagames’ scheme of reconciliation. Madam Kagame went back to Rwanda empty-handed and humiliated. Her attributes at diplomacy and famous charm failed to soften President Museveni. Mr. Kagame’s planned take a look at for reconciliation will have to wait for a extended time indeed - time which the Rwandan dictator doesn't have on his side. Why did Madam Kagame’s charm diplomacy flop so terribly? One particular has to look back at the connection involving President Museveni and President Kagame during the past 17 years that might be highlighted as follows: • Museveni’s NRM government was the springboard for Kagame and his RPF to wage a war against the Habyarimana dictatorship in Rwanda; • Museveni sought to guide even post-genocide Rwanda, which irritated Kagame who was by now determined to be his own man, and not a junior to Museveni; • Kagame and Museveni went to Zaire collectively, removed Mobutu and installed Kabila 1, who they thought would be their stooge; • Quickly the former allies fell upon each other by fighting 3 instances in Kisangani, with Rwanda frequently winning these wars - with Kagame utterly humiliating his former mentor Museveni; • Every side started sponsoring exiled senior officials to destabilize their homelands, and siding with and supporting opposition groups; • When General Kayumba Nyamwasa was escaping for his life from Rwanda, Uganda assisted him to find his technique to South Africa, which infuriated Kagame and his regime; • An increasingly isolated Rwandan dictator failed to attend Museveni’s swearing for his new term of office, obtaining currently failed to show up at the swearing in for Tanzania’s President Kikwete; • Even when the former Rwandan health minister Sezibera took workplace because the Secretary Common of the East African Community, after Kagame aggressively lobbied for this, the Rwandan dictator was a no show for the occasion; • The exiled Uganda’s Colonel Muzoora, who was typically noticed in Kigali, met unexplained death, and his body was dumped at his home village, with some fingers pointing to Kagame’s part; A toxic environment among former allies Such was the toxic environment into which Madam Kagame jumped to start the process of rehabilitating her husband’s shattered image amongst her peers, starting with Museveni. His isolation goes far beyond East Africa. Kagame could not set foot at AU Summit in Equatorial Guinea, or in the celebration of South Sudan’s independence. He was also a no show in the World Economic Forum held in Cape Town. In South Africa, obviously, Kagame stands accused of attempting to assassinate Kayumba Nyamwasa. Why did Jeannette Kagame’s charm offensive disintegrate? The arrogance in the Kagames knows no bounds - they look to believe that the complete globe revolves about them. The Kagames naively assumed that Museveni would happily welcome their “offer” for reconciliation around the Kagames’ terms. The Rwandan dictator couple assumed that the Madam would show up with her young children, smile charmingly, and that the butcher of Rwanda would simply follow, devote many days in Uganda, and that they would reside happily ever immediately after, having tamed Museveni with their charm. But Museveni knows Kagame’s treachery only also nicely. Kagame was after all known as Pillato when he served inside the Ugandan struggle where he was a one-man killing machine and a super spy on everyone. Pillato was of course the military intelligence officer in Uganda exactly where Museveni observed his manipulative expertise from close quarters. Museveni has also observed how Kagame rules Rwanda, and how he has betrayed, humiliated, imprisoned, as well as killed his former RPF comrades. Exactly where Museveni retains all “historicals” Kagame has none left on his side. In addition, Museveni has noticed the shocking therapy of Fred Rwigema’s widow by the Kagames. Lately, Madam Rwigema could not even travel to Uganda to witness and get a medal awarded posthumously to her late husband for his bravely throughout the Ugandan armed struggle. With all this and much more as a backdrop, would Museveni dare trust the one-sided scheme of reconciliation hatched by the butcher of Rwanda and his Madam? The answer is NO. Museveni is not going to come low-priced Museveni should be smiling to see the boastful and ruthless Rwandan tyrant sweat inside the tight corner he has put himself in. Museveni totally recognizes that the troubled dictator next door gasping for the final breath on leading of a sinking ship. Plus the last factor on Kaguta’s mind is always to throw the Rwandan dictator a lifeline. What subsequent soon after Jeannette’s juvenile diplomatic offensive in Uganda? It's back to the drawing board.

mrs jeannette kagame