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It isn't hard to become a SEO professional. However, it isn't easy, either. There are certain technologies that a SEO professional must no so as to become the most sought- after expert in the industry.

These are.


As a SEO professional, knowledge of HTML is a must. You need to see and comprehend how the leading search engines like google browse the source code of the web page. If you're able to produce attractive websites in Notepad and also capable of typing HTML codes sans looking at your keyboard, then you're adequate.


You do not have to become an expert in CSS but you must now some basis functions of the software. Common tasks that you may have to perform include transforming of the JSS menu to some CSS one. Styling from the heading tags is nearly a routine job.

seo experts

Website designing and development

You must have the ability to develop good-looking websites from scratch sans any help. A fundamental knowledge is needed. However, you are able to outsource your design tasks to a website professional and employ cms services for the site. Honestly speaking, many SEO experts get stuck at graphics. That's one of the most important reasons why many SEO professionals have no images on their own websites.

Working of search engines

You have to know how a internet search engine ranks pages. That can be a may sound simple, you nevertheless need to study, observe and test out your focus on a popular engine. This implies a good understanding of the basic functions of a internet search engine. It is a big plus if you're conscious of the differences between major engines in the algorithms they follow.

Market and keyword research

You must know how to identify the best keywords via exploring the competitiveness, popularity and relevance of the keyword. This involves working with KEI.

Trust with Google

Google is typically the most popular of all of the search engines like google. Hence, a fundamental knowledge of the ins and outs is required. You'll want to know how google uses its filters for ranking webpages. Knowledge of other popular search engines like google is also an additional advantage.

Understanding on-page factors

Whether your review or develop a website on your own, you have to be equipped with a check-list for ticking off all on-page factors. You have to also know about CMS which are perfect for using for various purposes.

But above everything else, a search engine optimization professional should be a good writer.