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Let's say you had been holding a fashion show plus some guy walks in dressed exactly the same as the man before him? You think his "swag" or the way he walks and talks can make him stick out many land him a #1 spot? The reply is NO!!

How many hip hop "performers" are looking for free beats nowadays? I'd say pretty much MOST of them. All of them are searching the same phrases, "free beats" or "free rap instrumentals". Then when these guys enter their works to recording labels, CEO's, music business or through talent searches, there's a chance these companies often hear exactly the same beats elsewhere. Every artist has these free beats! So these "artists" are coming in "dressed" exactly the same way because the next guy by recording their hard-worked lyrics on the same old beats! Just by deciding and energy to buy the cheapest of beats will put you FAR ahead of your competitors. Why? It's simple. Most undiscovered artists aren't looking to spend a penny on beats. If you choose to target your product...yep! You have it!

Amazing benefits of purchasing instead of downloading free instrumentals:

1. Quality is generally 100% guaranteed

2. License options and rules are explained in detail for exclusive or non-exclusive purchases.

Hip-Hop/Rap Instrumental Beats Free Downloads

3. If you buy a beat exclusively, you own it.

4. The beats are original (samples available)

5. Producer from the beats are readily accessible with all their info.

6. The person who made the beat will offer you discounts for the services you provide and referrals.

A unique sound is shown through your style of musical compositions heard by a limited number. HOW EASY IS IT TO MAKE A SONG With an ALREADY FAMOUS COMPOSITION? Artists don't understand they are taking something from their works right off the bat using this method. Now if making mixtapes forever is your thing, then by all means, have at it. However for those artists hoping to make some ORIGINAL unique masterpieces then let's step up to the plate as well as gentlemen! Let's make our own mark around the world of hip-hop and honor anyone who has paved the way in which for us when you are ourselves and being ORIGINAL! Step out on that limb and obtain some sounds that are not on the radio. Give your voice and lyrics be heard by upgrading your sounds! The planet is awaiting your talent!!