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There seems to be some confusion regarding the distinction between a coach and a mentor (yes, there is a difference) and because of this, I've decided this article was one that was long overdue. If you are one of those who is also confused between the difference, you might like to read this.

Let's move on with a coach. A coach is someone who put forth for specific instruction regarding how to do a certain thing or things. They give you this instruction and that is it. You abide by it. End of story. This is where the coach's responsibility ends.

For instance, let's imagine you need to learn to do PPC advertising. The coach will show you how to use the AdWords system, how you can do market and keyword research properly, how to write your three line ads, and so on. After he is doing this, you're by yourself. You've taken care of his time for you to educate you on this stuff and he's done.

Okay, so what's the difference from a coach and a mentor? A mentor goes a measure farther. And it's a BIG step. After instructing you on all the things that you need to know in order to do a particular thing, the mentor will then stick around to see these situations are done properly. He will go over every inch of the work making whatever corrections and/or additions need to be made.

In a nutshell, he becomes other people you know in the whole world. He'll eat, sleep and breathe your company with you. He will leave no stone unturned. He will teach you how you can think on the fly. He will point out stuff that can only show up in the real world an real-time scenarios. He goes far above the call of duty.

Company, he is doing this for a significant hefty price tag if he's worth his salt. While a coach may have a coaching program that goes for $500 or even $1,000, a mentor charges you you, for the way good he's and what your needs are, thousands, otherwise tens of thousands of dollars, every month. He will use you for months at a time.

Most people can't really afford a genuine mentor and for that reason "settle" for any coach, that is fine. But there is something you need to understand if you are going to do this. And that is what I will be covering in the next section of this short article.

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In either case, whether you utilize a coach or perhaps a mentor, you at long last have to do the job. This is the same regardless of who you use. However, having a coach, you are even more on your own. If you achieve tied to something in the future that maybe didn't show up within the normal coaching session since it is a corner case or something like that off the wall, the coach is gone. You have to somehow muddle through it. This obviously pertains to the general knowledge imparted.

With a mentor, you don't have to be worried about not "getting" something. If something isn't clear as you're doing it, you can submit your projects towards the mentor and he will go over it and make any corrections needed. And he could keep doing this UNTIL you get it.

It's a lot like getting your mother around to help you with your homework. She's always going to be there. Regardless of how many times you need her to help you, she'll be there. Your teacher, however, gives you the instruction you need at school and that is it. Sure, he might give you a few minutes after class to talk about some things, but he's not your mother.

A coach is NOT a mentor.

Okay, so having said all that, which is best for you? How do you know which you need or Have no need for? Ah, that's one of the most difficult questions for most people to answer.


Because self evaluation is one of the most difficult things in the world to do. Most people want to believe that they are able to learn a particular skill and then just go off and get it done. To begin with, many people will learn the skill and do nothing at all by using it. Sad but true. It'll sit on their hard drive and collect dust. Or it will sit within their head and they're going to never utilize it. The ones who Use it, never get anywhere by using it because when the coach is finished, they do not possess the smarts to make it work.

But many people can't admit this. They want to believe they'll absorb the data, understand it, utilize it and master it with no additional the aid of their coach. And when doesn't necessarily, they blame the coach, even though he's done his job.

Of these people, who can't motivate themselves, they need that a person who'll say, "I want you to do THIS and that i need it done by Friday. No ifs, ands, or buts. And if it's not done, WE'RE done." And he cuts off ties using the student forfeiting any monies paid up to this point.

And yes, all this is made clear right in advance BEFORE they even begin. And sadly, some people, knowing that they can't follow through, will accept this so when the time comes to set up or shut up, thinking that the mentor was "kidding" discover something entirely different.

Making this what it really is dependant on. First, you need to be able to HONESTLY evaluate yourself as a person. Can you focus on your own once because of the instruction you'll need? If that's the case, a coach is probably all you'll need. You can definitely, you know you're a lazy bum who can't even drag himself out of bed in the morning, you might like to you will want your mentor who'll kick the sofa if need be.