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Now it's possible that you simply didn't want to hear that brief and definite answer. However, this negative fact is not really a vague bias. There are specific adverse effects that marijuana is wearing your aura and on your soul, and this affects your spiritual development. You won't generally learn about these insights, because the people speaking about this topic, whether in favor or against, generally don't have the subtle energy sensitivity to describe what goes on for your energy field whenever you put marijuana in your body.

Of course, it is possible that you simply agree with these conclusions about the inadvisability of smoking it, but it's important to clarify exactly why marijuana is a problem, because otherwise, the argument about it can get sidetracked. For instance...

A primary reason often given for avoiding marijuana may be the argument that it is illegal, -- a minimum of at the time of this writing -- and for that reason, it should be a bad substance. You will find historical reasons for marijuana's illegality, having mostly related to the economics of hemp.

As is well-known, hemp is definitely an inexpensive replacement for paper, for oil, and for many other products. Quite simply, legal hemp would be an economic competitor in various industries. It is because of this that various large industries seek to demonize marijuana, to ensure that public opinion will continue to believe that marijuana and hemp must be kept illegal.

Another reason claimed by people who hold negative views about marijuana is it isn't as safe as alcohol. The spiritual issues with alcohol could be detected through subtle energy sensing, and there are unfortunate similarities between alcohol and marijuana, especially in how they both adversely modify the aura and the soul. Despite the obvious variations in how people drinking and smoking behave, the fundamental issue remains the same...

Marijuana and alcohol hinder the bond between the body and the soul, and both substances, in their own way, create a dissociated condition that interferes with spiritual growth and well-being.

There are various arguments that marijuana proponents make to aid their choice, and they're all based upon beliefs that appear, at first, to be acceptable. However, the essential trouble with marijuana is it creates a split between the body and also the soul. This is something which can be detected with subtle sensing, and so those who have not developed this sensing ability will probably entertain doubt about these assertions. I'm not the only energy-sensitive person who detects these issues, and so I will describe them as I sense them, and you can reach your personal conclusions.

Marijuana proponents say that smokers are usually peaceful, in contrast to alcohol drinkers. Though this can be observed easily enough, still it doesn't validate using a substance that produces an energetically fragmented symptom in the aura. I realize that the fragmented aura condition of marijuana smokers keeps them seemingly peaceful, but at a cost. The fuzzy aura condition of smokers keeps them from fully feeling their emotions, and when you understand this, it reveals another, and somewhat less happy explanation regarding preferred emotional suppression method.

When individuals have emotions or thoughts that are troubling, they have a tendency to want to leave their body so they won't have to feel their discomforts. People attempting to not feel their feelings have some popular choices. They can drink alcohol, they are able to eat sugar and unhealthy foods, they can space out in front from the television -- which is known to induce a quasi-meditative alpha state -- or they can smoke marijuana. All of these choices create a fragmented energy field, where the clarity of the aura is compromised.

The alleged peacefulness of smokers is the convenient excuse. They might feel more peaceful compared to what they would if they weren't smoking, however, they aren't transcending their pain in any useful way. Their avoid emotional discomfort is temporary. This means that they can't really address the pain sensation, and that creates a problem. If you can't address something, since you don't feel it anymore, then you've to keep pushing the denied emotions down, so they are from your conscious awareness.

This may explain the concept marijuana is not physically addictive, but is psychologically addictive. In the end, if you want to keep smoking in order to not feel what you don't wish to feel, then that could well be a psychological addiction.

The most popular expression with marijuana smokers that smoking enables them to "take the edge off" is really a euphemism that hides the emotional pain they aim to avoid. And also to be fair, it is reasonable to understand that emotional pain could be frightening, which confronting it takes a lot of courage and determination. However, smoking isn't going to build courage and determination.

This is because the main focus necessary for determination is associated with a strongly linked soul and personality inside a coherent aura -- and marijuana interferes with that.

Ideally, the body, the emotions, the mind, and the soul are united inside a coherent energy field -- your healthy aura. Uniting these aspects within yourself is key to being aligned together with your true self, to be able to perform the things that you found this lifetime to do. Something that muddies the clarity of your aura is slowing how well you're progressing on all levels. It is better in reality in your perception-- of course this involves challenging realizations -- to be able to confront your emerging feelings and thoughts, rather than hide in a fragmented, diffused understanding of yourself.

You can imagine your soul as the eternal divine essence of the being. Your soul carries the spark from the creator, and so your soul is the connection to higher spiritual awareness. Ideally, your body, heart, mind, personality, and soul link as you, with the soul being your cosmic cohering energy presence -- the divine glue that holds you together.

Whenever your divine soul is integrated together with your body, you become more aware of the way you treat your body. Whenever your soul has the capacity to shine to your emotions and mind, you can achieve a unified level of consciousness that allows you to confront issues. You are able to move in a positive direction in your lifetime. Marijuana disrupts this unity, and helps to create a muddy aura that short-circuits your spiritual empowerment.

Another anxiety about it is it mimics spiritual experiences, but usually disrupts spiritual realization. To understand how that occurs, imagine the spectrum of consciousness like a range of vibrations. At the smallest area of the awareness scale, there's low, unaware consciousness. In the highest level of the awareness scale, there is cosmic consciousness, or divine consciousness.

Now guess that one is stuck in a narrow, exclusively earth-bound level of perception. This type of person will dsicover that marijuana enables them to feel and find out beyond their narrow material selection of perceptions. And that seems impressive, in the beginning. It even seems to claim that marijuana may well be a consciousness expanding substance.

The issue, however, is that marijuana can, in a limited way, seem to help those people who are stuck inside a narrow materialistic perspective. It seems, at first, to provide them a more expanded look at the universe. However, this benefit is restricted by marijuana's intrinsically lesser quality of vibration. Whenever a substance keeps you at an intermediate degree of consciousness, then try as you might, you will be chemically limited from attaining higher states of spiritual realization.

The so-called consciousness-expanding advantages of marijuana are only somewhat broader than the narrow materialistic worldview from the uptight, tense person. Which means that whenever a person who feels rigid or stuck smokes, they get a temporarily expanded sense of things, which impresses them. They feel they have a found an answer that frees them from limitation.

Unfortunately, marijuana has only raised their consciousness somewhat. Especially troubling would be that the marijuana, though seeming to boost the consciousness a little, keeps the smoker in a degree of awareness that is only somewhat expanded beyond the lower materialistic range. To understand this, imagine that there's a selection of consciousness between one and ten. One represents limited, stuck consciousness. Ten represents cosmic consciousness.

An individual stuck at level a couple of could go to level three or four with the aid of marijuana. They could be astounded by this shift. As they would argue, their consciousness continues to be expanded, they feel more creative, and they've a broader sense of reality.

It seems like a convincing validation, before you realize that the marijuana is keeping them from exceeding beyond level four. And this is the issue with marijuana that smokers prefer to not consider.

Additionally, the marijuana inhibits their ability to heal their very own problems -- their level one and 2 problems, so to speak. Fundamental essentials energy blocks that they were attempting to escape. However, unaddressed problems stay stuck. Your ability to honestly sense your personal energy blocks is a vital element in oneself healing.

You're a spiritual being -- your soul is made from the eternal cosmic essence from the creator.

You incarnated to bring your eternal soul into the experience of this lifetime. To receive the light of your soul, you have to create a fit physical vehicle that can be in harmony with your soul. Despite the claims of marijuana proponents, marijuana cannot offer you assistance if you want to progress spiritually.

The most popular claim that marijuana generates peacefulness is dependant on a restricted definition of what peace is -- peace isn't merely the lack of strife or violence. This limited definition of peace leads people to pay a spiritual price that's not well worth the alleged benefits -- your soul alignment may be worth a lot more than any temporary peace. And when it becomes clear that this so-called peace is simply a dissociated condition that ultimately inhibits your well-being, you may be empowered to re-examine this topic having a deeper understanding

If there were no other choices for attaining inner peace, or for dealing with your emotions, then your beliefs of marijuana proponents might be convincing, but there are, actually, several choices:

- Learning to feel your emotions is a powerful teaching that builds strength in many levels of your being. It isn't easy, and often difficult, however when you gently breathe using your feelings you discover that you're stronger than your fears.

- Understanding how to question your automatic self-talk enables you to get free from the mental and emotional loops that can trap you in negativity. Learning to talk to yourself in an empowering way puts you, metaphorically, in the driver's seat in your life, rather than in the back seat with your subconscious patterns in control of the controls.

- Learning to move and use, by whatever means you choose, provides you with an option to raise your vibration every single day, so that your feelings and thoughts don't sink down to the cheapest amounts of your problems.

- Learning to meditate, visualize, concentrate, and create a coherent aura helps you discover your true spiritual identity as a multidimensional being. Spiritual practices empower you to reside in alignment together with your true divine identity, so you are less affected by the negative influences from the media, using their company people, and from the world generally. You observe the world with a deeper wisdom that expresses your true self.

One spiritual concern with marijuana use is it causes users to obtain stuck within an intermediate spiritual dimension referred to as astral plane. These intermediate dimensions of consciousness, though not bad in themselves, are the amounts of illusion. Although ideally the astral dimensions are amounts of consciousness in which you can invent and make, such dimensions are only safe for you personally if you're also aligned with higher amounts of divine consciousness. Without this higher divine alignment, the astral plane is merely the plane of illusion.

This will be significant to you if spiritual awareness is the goal. I do not pretend that this article can change the minds of those who are committed to using marijuana, although I do hope that any user will consider the choices to utilizing a spiritually negative substance.

But let's say you're undecided relating to this topic, and spiritual awakening is essential for you? Perhaps you have let yourself be impressed using the glamorous images presented in the media, in which creative people or celebrities are related to marijuana use? It is for you that this article is specifically written, because glamorous images are only superficial descriptions of a false reality -- that's, they aren't real.

False images are reflections of the astral plane -- the dimension of illusion. And when huge numbers of people hold false images, the result can be powerful. Fortunately, even powerful false images can be seen for which they are -- fake realities that only interfere with spiritual awareness. When you have real spiritual experiences that integrate you, uniting the body, heart, mind, and soul together with your spiritual potential, then you definitely build clarity inside your consciousness. You learn to recognize fake realities as superficial images with no spiritual core.


Spiritual realization is one thing that you simply develop over time. It's not something you can put on like a coat, or take just like a pill, and that's why, you need to develop your spiritual awareness like a daily practice. In the same way that you can build physical muscles by exercising, you are able to build spiritual strength through cultivating your awareness. One benefit of a regular spiritual practice is that your alignment together with your soul wisdom grows. Which enables you to see illusions as the deceptions that they really are.

Whenever you don't have a spiritual way of connecting with your soul, you may be easily influenced by the powerful distorted energy fields of huge numbers of people who're trapped in fake illusions. And marijuana does not help you grow or evolve beyond that, since it provides the illusion of expanded consciousness, while trapping you at a merely intermediate level of consciousness. It claims to get you past the average state of human consciousness, after which leaves you at a muddy, intermediate level.

And the energy at that intermediate level, I notice, is sticky. That may sound a bit strange, but the aura quality of marijuana smokers is sticky, fuzzy, and open to entities. That's the complete opposite of the brightness and clarity related to those who are in alignment with their divine soul.

But wherever you are in your spiritual development, regardless if you are smoking or not, you can always result in the option to relocate a healthier direction each day. In the same manner that the public is moving towards the realization that healthy food choices is preferable to junk food, as well as in exactly as the public is moving for the understanding that exercise makes you feel more alive, also are people becoming conscious that something that interferes with their soul development will be avoided.

If you're already moving in the direction of seeking healthy food choices and exploring exercise, then you're able to recognize how negative substances can hinder your vibration. Considering the way a seemingly popular substance, marijuana, can decrease your spiritual vibration, it invites you to definitely make some new healthy choices. Something that disrupts your body-soul unity may be worth avoiding. It's time to hear your true divine essence, making some healthy decisions on your own.

Your essence consists of divine substance. If you want to feel your aliveness, then understand that your emotions, your thoughts, and your body all need to be aligned with your soul -- so that you can be truly alive on all levels. And that may mean, at times, that you'll feel emotions or thoughts that you don't enjoy. However, you can study to breathe through your challenges. You can learn to stabilize and integrate your mind-body-spirit energy. You can learn to bring the divine light of the soul -- and the cosmic intelligence of the universe -- into your life.

So when you align in this way, you get a feeling of what it really way to be in tune using the cosmos. You can feel in alignment with the eternal vibration of the creator, humming within you. You're in alignment using the truth of the being, which is a spiritual vibration that is alive within the deepest sense of the term. It's the higher consciousness that is able to knowing it is true infinite nature.

And you desire to be aligned with this infinite universal consciousness, since it is who you are -- you're one with the source of all reality. Breathe it into your being. It's the true elixir that you could partake of each and every day. Let every breath unite you using the aliveness that desires to vibrate joyously within your every cell. Thanks for visiting this moment.