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I have been sitting on my hands and holding back my ideas because I thought someone from the new Blockbuster Corporation would have done something of value by now, but they haven't. A few news items were the driving force that tipped off my thinking cap. The first piece of news was a rumor that Charlie Ergen, the new owner of Blockbuster and founder of Dish Networks, only bought Blockbuster for the monster Tax Credits that the US Government gives corporations when their company loses profits. The other action in the news was sex move to engage a courtroom battle with NCR over vending machine sales. (NCR is a company that licenses the Blockbuster name for movie rental machines in grocery stores.) Rather than a smart business action, that was both the straw that broke the camel's back and my cue to hatch this business plan for Blockbuster or anyone else who can get a hold of one of their recently abandoned retail outlets. Luckily for Mr. Ergen, high profile corporate lawyers are cheap so they can do this legal fighting for decades over vending machine sales and get massive corporate tax cuts. My answer to Blockbusters problems does not reside in the courtrooms but stems from BEANS - COFFEE BEANS, to be exact. Blockbuster Video Stores have been woven into the fabric of Americana for a while, but now they have been dissolved by the Digital World. Blockbuster's big corporate money did not see the changes coming. Blockbuster never looked in the review mirror or outside of the box. Instead they made strong corporate alliances and paid top dollar to executives. Take, for example, John F Antioco, who was paid 51 million dollars in 2004 for his "leadership." So as I move along with this story slash plan to help America create some new jobs, I cannot help but feel optimistic. Real 2013 fans know that Blockbuster sold out the movie industry instead of nurturing the Film Industry. They pushed cheese movies down the throats of the public and showed no interest in Foreign or Independent films. Ever seen the Independent or Foreign Film section in Blockbuster? Exactly. That is like excluding Vincent Van Gogh just because he is not from Burbank Studios Corporate Office in California. True film directors, writers, and artists were never able to appreciate this company because of its lack of quality films. But let's not kick a dog when it's down. My idea makes me feel like I am Richard Dreyfuss in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" looking for the mountain - except my mountain is the business plan for Blockbuster Cafes. It is proven that you do not need massive retail space to earn profits in the movie or game rental market. Blockbuster stock is less than 3 cents a share and Netflix is selling over $200.00 a share. Bing! One has to appreciate the Netflix business model in this day and age.