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For around just pennies per send, email is still one of the best marketing values around. But for many marketers, the quantity of information on this topic can be overwhelming - or even paralyzing.

Maybe your business is simply getting to grips with email marketing. Or, perhaps you're an experienced email marketer seeking to boost results. Either way, getting these seven keys for success right will place you on the path to e-mail marketing success.

email for marketing

Tip #1: Make it simple

Sure, you can spend hundreds of dollars on fancy email template design and rack your mind for creative subject lines - but it is most likely not money or time well spent. Most e-mail marketing services offer customizable, ready-to-use templates that provide a clear, polished look. And when you are looking at subject lines, research proves that clear, direct subject lines consistently outperform cute and inventive ones.

Tip #2: Build Your List

It's simple math: subscribers x response rate = results. And while it can be hard to develop a massive uptick inside your response rate, it's quite simple to develop your email list by providing a good register incentive like a valuable white paper, report or coupon and promoting your list in each and every possible way including email footers, web pages, conferences, trade shows and social media.

Tip #3: Offer Value

Be it important information, a shopping promo code or even a laugh, make sure each email you signal offers something of worth to your readers. In case your subscribers aren't taking advantage of your emails, they'll be sure to tune you out.

Tip #4: Make it Personal

Typically, an e-mail from a person performs slightly better than an e-mail from the business. For example, an email from "Santa Claus" would be much better than an email from "The Up North Toy Factory".

Tip #5: Remain on the Radar (Within Reason)

If you maintain an e-mail list, be sure to use it at least once a month. If too much time passes between emails, subscribers may forget who you are or why they signed up for your list. On the flip side, if you are sending more than once or twice a week, your subscribers may opt out as the annoyance factor rises.

Tip #6: Experiment

Email marketers often inquire like "What subject line is best?" and "What is the greatest time to transmit?" The solution: this will depend. The things that work well for one list may not work well for yours, so most email programs offer something called an A/B split. This tool divides your list into two groups so you can test various factors, like the best day to transmit or the best subject line. Just be sure you test one factor at a time and keep track of your results. When done consistently, testing will lead to the constant improvement of your e-mail marketing efforts.

Tip #7: Know Your purpose

Once you know your e-mail marketing goals, you'll be able to better tailor the information of the emails. For instance, if you wish to increase brand engagement you might offer polls or incentives for following company on Facebook. If you wish to generate new leads for a computer software, send an invite to download a white paper on the related topic. Perhaps most significantly, goal setting techniques will help you determine the results of the e-mail marketing program and create future success.