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It seems that sleeping bag ratings don't have any consistency. Temperature reviews continue to be determined entirely by the makers of the bags. My 3-pound Sierra Designs case, for example, was scored to 20 degrees. Genuinely, it never kept me as comfortable as my 17-ounce Western Mountaineering sleeping bag, that is only rated down to 40 degrees. Isn't this an issue once you purchase a case? Perhaps a 45-degree bag could keep you warmer than the usual 30-degree bag.

Regular Sleeping Bag Scores

No matter what temperature a bag is rated for, under any program of testing, it will not necessarily keep you warm to that temperature. We can not solve the problem of people having different metabolisms and bodies. A particular bag may be good for one individual down to 20 degrees, while for another it is just good to 40 degrees. You generally speaking can figure out if you're a cold or a hot sleeper, but that doesn't help if you don't know whether a case is rated too high or too low.

You need to find out that if a case says 30 degrees it'll keep you hotter than one that says 40 degrees. With that, even if you add or subtract 10 or 20 degrees for the personal preferences, you can still figure out which bag is the hotter one. How can we understand this persistence?

Start testing with any sleeping bag, by placing a bag of water in it that is human-sized, evaluating perhaps 160 pounds. Have three common sizes for standard, small and large sleeping bags. Always focus on the water temperature at 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and measure how long before it drops to 90 degrees. External air temperature needs to continually be the same too, whther it is 60 degrees or 40.

The figures are not important. What's important listed here is that once the standards are chosen, every case is tried the same way, with the same conditions (also the temperature and material of the testing program would need to function as same). This is what will give consistency to the sleeping bag ratings for heat.

Now, if a rated to 40 degrees keeps the water above 90 for two hours, a rated for 30 would ever have to help keep it above 90 degrees for a longer time. Pegging heat-retention times to specific temperature ratings would be a bit complicated initially. But, once performed, each new case available on the market could possibly be presented to the assessment and easily given a frequent score. We would realize that less score would often mean a hotter bag, degree-by-degree. We're able to even have old bags tested to see when it is time and energy to replace them.

Maker Approval?

Could companies pay an exclusive testing company to possess their bags rated? Some, initially, because it would have been a an advantage for anyone companies who are already careful in their temperature ratings. They would have "proof" that the bags are even hotter than they were claiming. Then, fundamentally, all case manufacturers would feel some motivation to possess their sleeping bags tested, because people would be skeptical about buying people that were not tested.

I am hoping somebody will take this concept and work with it. A preexisting client rating organization, like Consumer Reports, can try this by themselves and report the outcomes. Even when they stated the bags without heat ratings, however in order by which held the warmth in the most effective, it would be very useful. You can consider the list and if their current bag kept them warm to 25 levels, ythey would realize that any bag higher on the list would be warmer. Isn't it time for consistent sleeping case reviews? return to site