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Why Buy Gold? Gold is the ultimate store of value and wealth and it has been that way since man first dug up this beautiful metal. Even people in ancient times recognized that the indestructible qualities of precious metals made for the perfect medium of exchange. Don't forget that the world still used gold until 30 years ago as currency. Since the collapse of the Bretton Wood agreement, the value of the Dollar has plummeted. Coincidence? The US Dollar is set for collapse. If you don't believe me, please feel free to listen, watch and read from Congressman Ron Paul, one of the few honest men left on Capitol Hill. Ron Paul predicted the current financial crisis in detail ten years ago. Then, most people laughed at him. They don't do that know. And he predicts the collapse of the dollar very soon, and so does many other economists and financiers such as Peter Schiff (incidentally also running for a seat). Buy physical silver Gold is the traditional hedge against inflation or deflation. Against any currency devaluation. Gold has kept its purchasing power constant. One ounce of gold buys you the same as it did 30 years ago, while the same dollar amount as 30 years ago buys you nothing - that is what happens trough inflation. Gold is also a safe haven against irresponsible governments and corrupt Central Bankers. Maybe I should just cut the crap and say it in a less politically correct manner: America is bankrupt and Gold is the only real money left. If you invest in Gold, then you are no longer a slave to the government and its paper currency. You no longer have to rely on the 'full faith and credit' of the US government - which is declining sharply. If you are reading this article, then I probably don't need to tell you this. The question then isn't: Should I buy Gold? But rather it is: How Do I Buy Gold? Why Buy Gold Offshore? The most liquid form of gold is Gold Bullion. If you want to hold gold with the eventual purpose of selling or exchanging it, then that's what you should get. Bullion just means gold bars or gold coins. You can buy Gold Bullion in many places. If you need to break down your gold into smaller denominations, then you can exchange it easily for silver coins such as Panama's Silver Balboa or Mexico's silver coins. Credit suisse gold wafer You can buy physical gold bullion from offshore dealers, mostly coins such as the South African Krugerrand or Royal Canadian Mint. Don't go on eBay now and look, chances are you will not receive what you ordered. Other gold coins include restricted circulation coins. Whenever you want to buy any gold bullion, care should be taken. I have to issue a disclaimer as to not take this information as expert advice, so don't come suing me! Just kidding, but it's beyond the scope of this website to give professional advice. If you want that, professional advice on buying gold, then I recommend getting a good book, which covers everything you need to know about buying, selling and storing gold. Well worth the money for the truly expert advice you get. It could end up making you a lot of money in the years to come. Back to buying gold bullion; If you don't look like a criminal, you may be able to buy gold bullion, cash in hand in some countries. Others are more restrictive. This is all very important to know before buying gold, which is why I recommend knowing this stuff - beforehand - from a book such as Doug Eberhardts Buying Gold Safely [1], which covers everything you could possibly want to know, written by a true expert in the field. Perhaps the easiest option for Americans is to travel to Mexico and buy Centenarios. These are sold by some banks and are an excellent choice. Mexico has had so many devaluations of their currency that gold and silver bullion is very popular there (watch out or that may happen in the US too!). The book 'Buying Gold Safely' deals with doing this as well.